Newtone auditors have a broad expertise in audit and assurance. Have your annual accounts audited? Contact us!
We check the figures and monitor the balance sheet. But we also take a regular look around the workplace.
We check the figures and monitor the balance sheet
But we also take a regular look around the workplace.
This is the central question for us when carrying out audit and assurance activities. Reliable, transparent and clear information is important in controlling your company, and helps you render account to your shareholders, clients, suppliers, financiers, regulators and other stakeholders. This gives them confidence in their relationship with you. Furthermore, social developments are increasingly driving up demand for non-financial information.
With more than 200 professionals, Newtone has an expert audit practice. We can offer assurance both in relation to the financial statements and in respect of other financial and non-financial accounts. In doing so, we always use a personal approach that is appropriate for your situation.
We believe that reliability is the key condition for valuable information. An organisation that is in control will be able to make the right (strategic) choices. The professionals at Newtone have broad expertise in the area of audit and assurance. They audit your financial statements and perform other assurance engagements. In addition, they provide assistance in all facets of your risk control, ranging from an audit of your IT systems to advice on internal control. Applying a personal approach, we provide you with the assurance you need, geared to your situation.
Audit of financial statements
Through our audit activities, we add assurance to your financial statements or other financial accounts. We offer the same high standard of quality, regardless of whether the audit is prescribed by law or the articles of association or is voluntary.
Our audit approach is risk-oriented and is supported by state-of-the-art software. During the audit process, we identify the key risks (in consultation with you) in respect of the business activities, processes, financial statements and industry developments. We then use this risk analysis to check whether these risks are controlled internally and, where necessary, carry out additional audit activities. These may concern aspects such as the working of the primary (business) processes, the reliability of the internal reporting process, the structure of the payment process, compliance with laws and regulations and the reliability and continuity of the ICT systems.
The results of our activities are presented in an audit opinion. We discuss our findings and the potential improvements with you.
We also document these matters in a clearly worded management letter. In addition, we draw up an auditor’s report for the management board and any supervisory body such as a supervisory board, which we will be happy to explain.
Review of financial statements
A review of financial accounts is a check for possible material misstatements. On this occasion, we provide a more limited degree of assurance than in the context of an audit engagement. Depending on your situation, a review will give you the necessary assurance at the right price.
The review of your financial statements is also based on a risk-oriented approach. Analyses provide handles for the performance of further activities, including meetings with the persons involved in order to obtain substantiations and explanations.
We present the outcome of our activities in a review report. In addition, we will be happy to discuss our findings and the possibilities for improvement we have identified.
We can also review financial disclosures for consolidation purposes, as well as interim figures.
International group audit
Organisations that operate internationally face specific risks and opportunities. Differences in legislation and culture complicate the landscape and require a professional approach. The audit of your financial account is therefore a specialist job.
Our international audit practice has much experience with such audits and knows about the complexity you are facing in your day-to-day affairs. This competence enables us to perform our audit activities efficiently and effectively.
As a group auditor, we carry out a full audit of your financial account, thus providing you with a sparring partner who understands your situation. By being critical, we help you stay in control of the organisation and the process.
As the auditor of a business unit, we ensure that the circumstances are comprehensible at local level. Because of our knowledge of the international reporting standards and the standards applicable in other countries, we are clear and transparent in our communication with the parent company and the group auditor.
IT Audit
IT systems and our audit approach are inextricably linked. This is why our audit team always includes IT auditors and data specialists. During the planning and risk assessment phase, we use process mining techniques in order to obtain insight into your current process flows, so that we can apply our audit approach as efficiently as possible.