HR and recruitment
HR advice and personnel matters: Newtone helps employers with all personnel issues. For more job happiness and more success.

The key to success is a good HR advisor
Appropriate HR advice can help you increase workplace satisfaction.
This is the key to success. In this tight labour market in particular, it’s important to find and retain valuable employees. But, as an employer, you have a lot to deal with! HRM is comprehensive and complex. Due to our complete package of services, we can not only advise you but also help unburden you. This is how we contribute to your employees’ workplace satisfaction. And, by extension, to the success of your business!
HR advice and answers to all your questions about personnel
- Experienced, full-service HR specialists can help you From administrative HR tasks to job coaching, and talent management to training policy.
- We lighten your workload through the efficient organization of time-consuming HR matters We also can help you manage personnel costs and risks.
- As an entrepreneurial employer, you can invest in your employees by investing in expert HR advice.
- The aim is to optimize the deployment of your employees. So that you can focus on your business.
Is your payroll administration in order?
Outsourcing payroll administration to our specialists will save you a lot of time. Plus, you can rest assured that your knowledge on all the applicable laws and regulations is up to date. And the faultless processing of payroll returns, annual statements, and other fiscal tasks. Do you handle your payroll administration in-house? If so, we will support and advise you. We’re also happy to assist with questions on international payroll, e-HRM, and software implementation.
Do you have legal questions about employment law?
As an employer, you cannot ignore the topic of employment law. Of course, you want everything to be properly arranged and for your business to avoid unnecessary risks. But you may not have the necessary time or knowledge to delve into employment law issues. Our employment lawyers provide expert legal advice. Feel free to ask us questions you have about employment contracts, settlement agreements, occupational disability, as well as other topics.
Payroll taxation and social security
There are a plethora of rules on payroll taxation (wage taxes), which are not always applied correctly in practice. This could result in hefty after-taxes. Obviously, no employer looks forward to such an unpleasant surprise. Our tax advisors are here to help prevent this from happening. Fortunately, payroll taxation can also offer opportunities. We’d be happy, of course, to tell you more about that.
Personnel administration
Personnel administration is subject to all manner of legal requirements. Our HR advisors can advise you on the correct maintenance of personnel files and establishing up-to-date personnel registration. We can also assist you with leave and absence registration, but also time recording. Ready to make the move to e-HRM? If so, we offer tailor-made solutions.
Need HR advice?
HR advice offers great added value at a time when HR is becoming increasingly complex and a long-term strategy is a must. Our HR advisors will be right by your side, ready with strategic advice for your personnel policy, coaching, recruitment. and other topics. We’ll also help you with practical questions about, for example, workplace safety and absenteeism. This is how we ensure that your HR policy promotes the continuity and growth of your company.
Pension advice for employers and managing directors
A good pension is an important condition of employment. If you want to arrange everything properly for your employees, there’s quite a bit to consider. Our HRM and pension advisors will assist you with reliable and independent pension advice. Of course, as an entrepreneur, you also want to be sure of securing a good pension for yourself. By taking a broad outlook on your company, assets, properties, business transfers, and personal situation, we can map out your options.

Our specialists are at your service

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