Newtone helps companies to gain insight into the contribution that a company makes to society from a sustainability point of view.

What is the impact of sustainability on your company?
Nobody can be ignorant of the importance of sustainability for the world around us. What is the impact of this on your company?
Many organisations, public bodies and regulatory institutions have expressed opinions on this, while the European Commission has introduced legislation which affects entrepreneurs as well. The obligations already applicable to large companies will be extended to medium-sized companies as well. However, these obligations need not be a threat and may also create opportunities. It is therefore important to start mapping out and measuring your company’s sustainability level in good time.
Sustainability and financial disclosures: the right balance
Through our Sustainability (ESG) reporting approach, we help organisations identify the desired disclosures. Various public bodies have published a multitude of guidelines, recommendations and instructions. Quite possibly, you feel “snowed under” and do not know where to start. That is understandable. Together, we will decide which disclosures are most appropriate for your company. This involves both quantitative and qualitative disclosures. The quantitative disclosures can be measured and audited objectively and will thereby comply with (forthcoming) legislation. The qualitative part of the disclosures will enable you to clearly communicate the sustainable elements of your business, both internally and externally. We will create a logical reporting framework in consultation with you, and help you make the data accessible and manageable. We can also assist you with relevant audits. Our approach is pragmatic and to the point. Together, we will integrate the sustainability disclosures into the financial disclosures, thus creating a compact and logical whole.
Sustainability reporting is not an end in itself
Newtone helps companies obtain insight into their contribution to society from a sustainability perspective. By gaining an understanding of your sustainability impact on society, you will be able to make improvements in this area. In addition, it will enable you to inform your stakeholders of your contribution to society, both now and in the future. We do not see disclosures as an end, but as a means to an end. Our aim here is to produce compact, comprehensible disclosures.

Our specialists are at your service

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